The Concentration Camp in Płaszów (Konzentrazionslager Plaszow) - Camps -

German death camps and concentration camps in Nazi occupied Poland 1939-45


The Concentration Camp in Płaszów (Konzentrazionslager Plaszow)

Located in the Podgórze quarter of the Kraków Stadthauptmannschaft of the General Government (Generalgouvernement).

It was a labor camp from December 1942 to January 1944 (Zwangsarbeitslager Plaszow bei Krakau des SS und Polizeiführers im Distrikt Krakau). Then it functioned as an autonomousconcentration camp (Konzentrationslager in Plaszow bei Krakau) from January 11, 1944 until January 15, 1945. Its Jewish prisoners worked in the quarries, factories and arms industry. The camp in Płaszów had five subcamps: three in Kraków and the two remaining ones in Mielec and Wieliczka. About 8,000 Jewish prisoners were executed in the camp during July−September 1944.

In chronological order the concentration camp's commandants were: SS-Hauptsturmführer Amon Göth (until the fall of 1944) and SS-Oberscharführer Kurt Schupke.

The closure of the camp began in the fall of 1944. The prisoners were sent to otherconcentration camps. The last transport departed on January 15, 1945 to Auschwitz.

The camp in Płaszów had a total of 50,000−150,000 prisoners (as estimated for the period of 1942–1945, including the labor camp). The number of victims amounts to ca. 8,000–12,000 people, with a decisive majority of them being Jewish.

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